Meranti guitar

Moderately easy to work with and glues and finishes well. Common uses : Plywoo furniture, and boat-building. About of these are Electronics Stocks. A wide variety of red meranti wood options are . This type of wood from Asia has a dark red or reddish- brown colour.

For more information or to request a quotation, please contact us.

To accept cookies from this site, please . Plus buy, high quality, wood products made from Meranti. Other uses include joinery, furniture and cabinetwork, moulding and millwork, . Some species may have a slight blunting effect on tools due to small levels of silica present in the wood. Glues, stains, and finishes well.

Key Words: Shorea spp. Vendors: No vendors are listed for this material. Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on .

Want further information comparing timber species? Shorea is a genus of about 1species of mainly rainforest trees in the family. Get contact details, address, map on Indiamart. The wood is a dark reddish brown with white resin streaks and a coarse texture. It is a very popular wood among architects and designers because if its.

Uses With straight-grain consistency, meranti trees produce long, straight pieces of lumber. For the average DIY enthusiast on a limited budget, there really is only two options for wood for outdoor furniture. But which is better, pine or meranti ? Apart from the division into light and dark red meranti , the wood of. Shorea is economically the most important timber genus in the . You find more information about this unusual material here: erlebe-accoya.

Get your instant price and delivered to anywhere in the UK. Meranti timber from Timbersource value this wood. A comprehensive collection of information on woodworking joints, wood species.

Philippine Mahogany is a term that generally applies to . About species of Shorea belong to the light and dark red meranti groups, . Origin: South East Asia.

Uses : Construction, flooring, windows, .


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